Ivan Šebestijan Kotoriba, 30.12.1956.,croatian artist
Since 1995. included in the 1. Encyclopedia of Croatian arts. He expresses him self in various painting techniques, and since 1977. he specializes for oil painting.
Independetly exhibited on more than 50 exhibitions and art evenings in various gallerys and museums.
He paints imaginary landscapes permeated with fiction. Apart from singly valuable paintings such as (Međimurka, 1982; Thirst for life, 1984; Park Zrinski, 1985; Stillness and unrest of the sea, 1987; Anchored winter, 1987; Landscape, 1988; Čakovec 1992.), he achieved significant cycles such as: Mills on Mura, 1983.-1984; Sea, 1988; Green shadows, 1988.-1990; The waters of Međimurje, 1995; The geometry of the water, 1997; Međimurje swans, 1999; Swan flowers, 1999; Horses, 2006; Water lilys, 2008; Estuary, 2009.